Our beginning is a fairly common story among bands. We started as friends who liked to play music together. Throughout the years we, as individuals, served in morning worship at Church. We often hung out together to get into the Word, worship, and create music together. Soon after, we felt a strong pull to share our music with others and decided to take a leap of faith on the adventure God called us to. We began writing music for an album and through sharing what we had written with one another, one thing became very clear: we all shared a vision to encourage as many people as possible through the hope and joy we experience in Christian life.
When we play music, we take the time to encourage one another through word and prayer. This is important to us because we always want to remember that this is not about us, but about what God wants from us. During these times of prayer we often open up to one another about life struggles and have found healing in our fellowship and worship. Our different personalities and stories are evident in our lyrics and playing. We pray that these unique traits will draw you to the fellowship and love we experience daily in our relationship with God.
It is not an easy journey or a picture-perfect fairy tale; however, it is beyond comparison to anything else. God is a constant in our lives keeping us anchored as the waves of life toss and turn. We are excited to continue this journey with you. May His love and presence increase in all of us!